Thursday, July 18, 2013

Winter in my Veins

So I was thinking about how much time I've actually spent over the last thirty nine years working in the cold.  Having been born in Michigan I've had opportunity to be near the cold more then someone that lived in Southern California.   Maybe a better way to consider it would be to look at what I've done.  Most people just live in colder areas and do what's necessary to get by on the day to day. Myself, I not only lived in an area that got any lot of snow (200 inches a year average) but I also went out of my way to spend time in it. I went walking when most people would be sitting by their fireplaces. I was on the ice of Lake Superior eating breakfast Christmas morning while others were opening gifts.  Of the nineteen years I've worked for Walmart/Sams, I think five of those have been spent working in a freezer. So even when I wasn't living in Michigan I was still working in the cold. Then of course the three years I spent I Colorado I rode outside year round.   One day it hit -17 with the wind chill.   I guess I really do bleed blue.

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