Thursday, February 2, 2012

My 1st Anniversary

This upcoming Sunday (Feb 5) I will have been in Ohio for exactly one year. Crazy, eh? One year! Time flies when your having fun! Or maybe time just flies. Anyway, a lot has happened over the last year and I won't go into all that but I will say this. I flew into Dayton last February with what I could take with me on the plane and shipped the rest. I had no furniture but God supplied a couch, chair, bed, microwave, silverware, table and even a TV. God had taken care of my needs before I'd even arrived.

Faircreek church is amazing. Prior to my moving here I wasn't able to get involved because of work. Church was a priority but living 10 miles from work and riding my bike to work every day took a lot of time. Now I'm only 3.5 miles from work and get rides to and from work almost every day. My first day I got back before 6am. I hadn't had that happen in three years! It was always between 7 and 8 after an hour and a half ride. Initially, it was difficult to get involved (as was to be expected), but I managed to get to some services and breakfasts. I also made contact with Greg Trout, the senior pastor, at Faircreek Church, and he has been a joy to get to know and he (as well as others on staff) has become a good friend. I was involved in one men's group for several weeks but decided that it even though I had established some good friendships it really wasn't for me. Another oppurtnity arose I was able to become a part of another community. Within this community I have been also been able to establish some good friendships that have enabled me to make some good inroads into Faircreek Church.. Last Friday we had a church wide service and for the first time in a long time I felt at home. That's not to say that the other churches I've been at I haven't felt at home but this is the first time I had to establish myself from nothing. They didn't know me at all. I wasn't anybody's son, brother etc. I really do feel at home here. Of course I will ALWAYS be from Michigan (a yooper trapped in a troll's body) and will ALWAYS root for the Wolverines!. :-) GO BLUE!!!