When I look back on this past year I'd be lying if I said it had been easy. Don't get me wrong. A lot of great things have happened. I moved back to Michigan which enabled me to spend more time with family, I went to the UP in October, and got to spend Christmas at home for only the second time since 1997. But I've had my struggles and there is one small group of people that over the last year have really helped and supported me. My family. While I haven't talked to them a lot about some of the things I've been going through I know they've been thinking about me and praying for me. Or just plain loving me. To have that family structure has been such a blessing over the last thirty years, but specifically the last ten. Knowing that they are there for me means a lot. Of course I have to be careful not to take it for granted (and I have been) but when I look at the strength and stability of my brothers and sister (and their wives/husband) the biblical principles we were taught when we were growing up are coming to light. The verse that comes to mind,
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6) is one that I think is very applicable and even though I don't have children of my own I certainly hope I can leave that sort of legacy. I also, truly hope that our family continues to remain strong in the years to come even after we leave. Happy New Year!!! 2017 here we come!!!