Most (if not all) who read this blog know of the tragic events of this past week in CT. For me on the outside looking in I can't even begin to comprehend how to begin to comprehend what they are going through. However, I found myself trying to identify with them. Putting myself in their shoes. All night at work I found myself asking God, "Why?" I spent the ride home continuing to mull it over in my head. Ironically, he answered. I'll tell you what he said in a minute and this is why. Even after he answered I still kept asking why. It was almost like I was a little kid. You know the one.
Kid: "Why do dogs have tails?"
Mom: "Because that's how God made them."
Kid: "Why?"
Mom: "He just did."
Kid: "Why?"
...and on it goes.
Isn't that how we are sometimes? Even when God gives an answer it's not good enough or we just take it in stride and don't even consider that he might be answering the very question we've been asking. We don't need to keep wondering. He answered!
Now, one of the things that has been plaguing many people and still is (myself included) is how will God use this? What good can come from a tragedy like this? Plus, why at Christmas of all times? This stuff is horrible at any time but does it have to be on at a time when people celebrate family? Don't criminals have at least a little bit of compassion? All questions we can't answer. It seems hopeless. I'll admit that I was angry. Angry to the point that I actually thought that bringing the guy back so I could kill him would be a solution. Now, that said, I dismissed it immediately as that is in no way, shape, or form the right way to resolve this. That is not how Jesus would do it and it is not how I would either. I had written a post and as I wrote it I could feel the anger in my fingers. I stopped typing. I will not let the Devil control me. He has a foothold already in the area of sarcasm. I have to be very careful how I respond to people. Even if I am not angry I can sound like it. I've had to go back and apologize more times then I care to admit over the last few months just because of that. But now, on to God's answer. I hit a bit of a rabbit trail there. :-)
My aunt posted a picture of a girl who was shot in the classroom. Her name is Emile Parker. They moved from Utah 8 months ago. The preschool she was at set up a fund for her family on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/EmilieParkerFund). I thought that was cool. Anyway, she was a Christian and God pointed out to me that a revival may start as a result of this.

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