A little more then a week ago there was a tragic accident at the Dayton Airshow. (http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/06/24/wing-walker-jane-wicker-dies-in-fiery-crash-at-dayton-air-show). Thankfully I didn't see it live but the video was just as horrific.
Later on that day I went on a bike ride and remembered seeing a flag that was lowered and wasn't sure why. It took a couple minutes but then I remembered. I'm not sure if that's relevant but that got me thinking about all those men and women serving our country on both sides of the world. They put themselves in harms way every day and more then we know don't come back, at least not standing up. Do we really honor them with more then just words or are they just numbers on the evening news? That is just the war effort. What about the home front? The policemen, firefighters, coastguard, and every one else serving our country who die every day and aren't recognized except by maybe a number somewhere in a paper or a passing news story.
This is a big problem and not one that can really be fixed because there are too many servicemen and women die every day. (When I say servicemen and women I am including anyone anywhere protecting people in the name of freedom.) I understand. That said, I think I have a plausible solution. At the very every least every government building should have two flags poles, both flying the Stars and Stripes. One of those flags should always be at half mast. My personal opinion is that it should be that way across the board. Really, why not just fly two flags on the same pole? Now, some will ask, and rightly so, what about events like 9/11, the CT shooting, and others? At these times both flags would be at half mast.
The bottom line is that we need to be reminded that people are every day protecting our country. I'm sure there are people out there who've forgotten all about the war and think the military is just a big political joke from an era gone by. Something we don't need anymore. They don't see the war or the affects of it. What a lot of people are forgetting is that the very reason they have that freedom to think the way they do is because of the thousands of men and women who have died so they could think the very thoughts they are thinking. Now, I know it will take a whole lot more then just sticking a flag at half permanently to get people to change their focus. Some people it might not even phase. But it sure would be a cool start and more importantly I think that it would be good for the family members of those who do lose loved ones to see that their country is recognizing their service. At the same time for those families of local Freedom Fighters (policemen etc) for them to know that they are being included among the ranks of those honored by every flag at half mast would be a great privilege. That's my dime for the day!
1 comment:
Hey I agree with you that we need to remember those who put themselves in harms way purposely for the reason of protecting others. it is so often a thankless job and not noticed until it is too late because someone sacrificed their life in a harsh event. I love the idea of the two flags but wonder if it would be taken for granted unless people embrace what half mast really truly means. Very thought provoking and causes me to wonder how we can thank them before they have to deal with a half mast moment. Thanks for the mind nudge!! :-)
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