I've been all over the United States and even to Mexico and Cuba. I think though that this will always be my favorite place. Every time I see this bridge I want to be there. I have to be there. That's why every year I try so hard to make it back. I can't explain it. I just know more and more that Michigan is my home and getting to any Great Lake (in Michigan) is a yearly goal. I made it to Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior last year and I'm hoping to do the same again this year. Time will tell! Even if I can only get to one though, I'll be happy just to see the clear, blue (and this year cold) water of a Great Lake will be a pleasure.
There are a lot of people who leave Michigan for many reasons. The economy is bad, it's cold, and those are very good reasons to leave. However, if you can stick it out there are some great benefits. Forty of Michigan's eighty-three counties touch at least one of the Great Lakes. If you are within the state of Michigan you are always within 85 miles of one of the Great Lakes. For me, the Great Lakes are in my blood. It's been said that if you grow up in the state you don't realize how much you miss them until you leave. Maybe a better way to describe it would be that (for some) you don't realize how big a part of your life they are until they aren't accessible anymore. When I was getting ready to move to Colorado a guy told me there was no water there and I freaked. My knee jerk reaction was to rethink the whole thing. Sometimes though, sacrifices have to be made. Lord willing, someday I'll be back.
Last year I was in Michigan for a week and Dad and I headed up to the Straits for a couple days. I hadn't been to Mackinaw City in six years and Mackinaw Island almost ten. I was going through withdraw. Not really. But I was really excited to be going.
There were some firsts on this trip...also some lasts. It was the first time we didn't take bikes to the island. That won't happen again. Oh, and if any of you are considering staying there keep in mind that staying in St. Ignace may be cheaper but you have to pay every time you cross the bridge so unless you are headed north it might be advantageous to stay on the south side as there is pretty much nothing except the casino and the campground we stayed at in St. Ignace. Okay. Enough of that rabbit trail.
One of the nights we headed back into Mackinaw City we were going to meet up with a family friend I hadn't seen in years. Bonnietta Benn. She plays the flute (quite well I might add), and she was playing at a concert in the park. We caught up with her just as she started practicing so we had to wait for her to finish so we waited in the park at a picnic table just sitting, watching, and relaxing. The bridge was well within view as was the island. It was a nice evening but something felt oddly different. I looked around and an image popped into my head.

Facts on Michigan were taken from the below website