Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Bucket List

The Bucket List.  Some people have them.  Others just have dreams that could essentially be called a Bucket List.  From that persepective I think we all have a bucket list of some sort.  For many years I've had one item on mine.  Alaska.  Other dreams have come and gone but that one remains.  It probably always will.  So that was my Bucket List.  Until I moved to Ohio of all places.   Who would have thought that my bucket list would've started to grow here?  I sure didn't.

The first few months I lived here were uneventful which wasn't at all surprising.  I was in a new area and working nights.  I was in a Bible study on Monday nights but the guys in it were either very involved with their own families and work or just very involved with work.  It was a good study but it just wasn't what I needed.   In July when I was moved to the cooler and my schedule changed to Sat/Wed off and I had the opportunity to get involved with another small group from my church that was much more diversified.  There were more of them and I had more opportunities to get involved in different areas of church as well as outside of church.  This is when things started to happen.  Not right away, but soon enough. 

The first thing that got added to my bucket list was ice skating.  Yes.  I was born and raised in Michigan, lived in the Upper Peninsula for eight years, the Lower Peninsula for twenty three years, Colorado for three years, and never went ice skating...until I moved to Ohio.  I didn't do too bad for my first time either!  That is until one of the girls said "I can't believe you haven't fallen down yet."  At which point, I fell down.  Only once though.

Number two was salsa dancing.  It's a blast!  I'm not all that good but I was having a good time and that's really all that matters.

I ventured past Mexico for number three on the list.  We went out for Thai one weekend.  I've eaten things in Mexico but that's as far as I've gone.  So I had Thai for the first time.  I can't remember what I ordered but it was good and I'll go again!

Number four took us to Columbus for an Elephant Revival.   Elephant Revival is a Hippie Bluegrass band from Colorado.  My first experience with Bluegrass! 

Where to next?  Broadway!   The last (for now) thing on my ever expanding Bucket List is seeing a Broadway musical.  This past weekend we went and saw Wicked.  It's the story of the Wicked Witch of the West. An amazing evening!   It was a great experience and one that I will most certainly repeat!

What's interesting about my list is that there seem to be categories developing.  Music, the Arts, Food, and Sports.  I wonder what will be next?  Does holding twin nieces count?

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