Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Friendship Established

It was the year 2000. I had just moved and was attending a new church. As is the case with every church I've gone to, I've tried to make a connection with the pastoral staff. Breakfasts, etc. Just to get to know them. So when I started going to Bethany I did the same thing. The difference here was that the senior pastor had just stepped down six months previous for personal reasons.

Jerry Keranen (the only remaining pastor) was a good guy. I didn't know him well but from my observations he seemed cool enough. So, as has become my habit, I poked my head in his office one day and said to him, "Jerry, if there's anything you need me to do, just let me know. I work nights so I've got a little more time then a lot of people." My thinking was that I would be able to help out with youth and for a time I did. I helped on Wednesday nights and at different activities. One time we went to a lock in on the other side of the state. I got up at 6pm on Thursday night and went to work at 11pm. Friday morning we left for the lock in. My intent was to sleep on the way down. It didn't happen. So from Thursday night at 6pm until Saturday at around 1030pm I had 3 hours of sleep.

Because the senior pastor had stepped down there was a search committee formed to look for his replacement. During this process I wanted to help as much as possible to take some of the burden off of Jerry as he was the only pastor at the time. After some time we met with a pastor out of Cleveland, OH. He was a nice guy with a nice family and he was voted in. Unfortunately, we were not thoroughly complete in the research we did before hiring the new pastor. This eventually came back to bite us. I honestly don't remember much about the first year or so at Bethany. I remember helping to clear snow off the roof of a friend and then I went sledding off the roof. I worked with the youth and met with Jerry for breakfast occasionally. It was a fun and interesting year.

Christmas Day 2001 the newly elected senior pastor stepped down.  Two men were elected as temporary deacons to help with the life of the church. At this point I had decided that not only would I become a member of the church but I was going to help out in whatever way I could to take some of the burden off of Jerry as he was our only remaining pastor. Plus, he seemed like a cool guy. Who doesn't want to help a cool guy? I collaborated with some fellow sponsors and suggested to the deacons that we take over the youth group with Jerry as an advisor.  I'll never forget that Wednesday night. It was after church and we were meeting with the deacons and Jerry to discuss the future and how we could help. Jerry was asked what he needed to help him. He said that he needed someone to come along side him, encourage him, keep him accountable, and to just be a friend. As he was saying this I thought that he would most certainly be asking one of the other youth sponsors. I had barely been there two years and wasn't even a member of the church yet! One of the other sponsors had grown up in the church and another had been there several years. They seemed much more qualified then I did. However, God's plan does not necessarily require lots of experience. Jerry said he wanted me to be that person. He said he wanted me to stop working with the youth as I was much more suited to help him. I was to become a Barnabus (son of encouragement). My jaw hit the floor! I was stunned. I got home, called Mom and said "Help!" She suggested I send him a verse via email and maybe a quote that could encourage him. So I started immediately. I was very disciplined about it and from what I was told he was very encouraged. I had a couple people share with me privately that he had said it was really helping. I was happy about that. Thus started one of the closest relationships I've ever had with anyone. One Sunday I was in church and Kendra, his then two year old daughter, ran up to me and gave me a hug. To this day I don't know why. Jerry told me it was because I was such a nice guy but couldn't there have been another reason? I know I'm nice but up to that point what did I do for his family that would merit a hug from his daughter who just knew me as this guy at church I will never know.

As the months went by I would meet him for breakfast and one weekend when the wife and kids were gone he had a couple of us over just to hang out after church.

In 2002 the Detroit Redwings won the Stanley Cup. I'll admit that I've never really been an avid hockey fan. I always like the fights. However, I was trying new things and they were in the finals so I stopped by Jerry's house to watch game 3. The game was on June 8, 2002. It was a Saturday night. It was a tight game and it went into triple overtime (the third longest finals game ever). By the beginning of the second overtime Jerry and I were the only ones left and Jerry said he was going to bed. If I recall correctly, he asked me to turn off the tape. I'm probably wrong but that's what I remember. Anyway, it gets to the final OT and I am really trying to keep quiet. I know I was doing a good job because no one was downstairs. Everyone was asleep. I remember thinking that I probably should've left. However, the game was almost over so I decided to stay.

At 2am (or whatever time it was) the Redwings pulled it out and I whispered a "YES!!", turned off the TV, and quietly made my way to the door. I carefully opened it so as not to make any noise and then slowly closed it behind me. What I didn't realize was that the door would stick. It stuck just enough that I didn't notice it but still pulled a little harder. BOOOM!!! That door slammed and made a very loud noise. It sounds so much louder when there is silence. However, I know it was big. Thankfully, I didn't wake up any children. The next day at church I asked Jerry if he had heard me watching the game. He said no. Then I asked if he had heard me leave. I'll never forget what he said. "Everybody heard you leave!"

That story dovetails with the story of an anniversary present. On October 29,2002 the Keranen family added another girl to the bunch. Her name was Kristie. Funny thing now that I think about it. I don't know her middle name. For that matter, I don't think I know any of the kids middle names. Huh. Go figure. Anyway, the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup and as is always the case special edition sports magazines and memorabilia were sold. I'll be honest and say that I really had not paid much attention...actually no attention to hockey before that year. However, my mom being the giving person that she is thought I'd like a Sports Illustrated Collector's Edition issue on the Red Wings and their season. As much as I appreciated the thought, I knew it would end up getting thrown away so I came up with a plan.

One day Jerry handed me a a recording of his wedding back in 1987. He told me I'd get a kick out of it. It was actually pretty good. Jerry actually sang! I'm not sure if that was more shocking then disturbing. The jury's still out on that one. The music they chose to use were from Steve Green's album "Find Us Faithful." The songs talked about cherishing each other as well as the work God was starting with the Jerry and Karen's marriage. The two songs they used were, "Cherish the Treasure" and "He Who Began a Good Work". The focus of both songs was the beginning of something special. Now fast forward 15 years. It's 2002 and four awesome kids later. I wanted to do something for their anniversary. I had just watched their wedding and I decided to take the lyrics of the songs used in the wedding and put them on paper and frame it.  So I typed up the two songs used in the wedding and then added "Find Us Faithful."  This song talks about those coming behind us.  I thought it fitting as they looked back on 15 years of marriage.

Now,  I had gone to Walmart and purchased some paper that had a sunset backdrop. I typed up all three songs and printed them up on that paper and then framed it. Before I wrapped it (and when I say "wrapped" I mean I put it in a box) I put the Sports Illustrated issue on top of the picture. When Karen opened it it looked as though the SI magazine had been framed. Karen's initial reaction was "Oh. This is for Jerry." Oops! Quickly, I picked it up and removed the magazine. Handing the magazine to Jerry, I said "This is for Jerry but this (the original gift) is for both of you." I'll never forget that. 

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